What Should I Do If My Dog Consumes Too Much CBD?

Has your dog managed to get into their CBD products? If so, knowing how to respond is essential to keeping your pet safe. Accidentally, dogs may consume pet CBD products in higher amounts than recommended. While CBD is generally well-tolerated in dogs at appropriate amounts, higher intakes may cause unexpected adverse reactions. Whether it's dog CBD bites, oil, or other forms, it’s important to understand how to respond effectively. Dogs are sensitive to changes in your demeanor, so staying calm can help your dog remain relaxed as you follow the recommended steps.

Stay Calm and Evaluate the Situation

Staying composed is the first step to ensuring a thoughtful response. Begin by assessing the situation: try to determine the amount of CBD your pet consumed and the specific product involved, such as soft chews or oil. Having a picture of the product packaging, including the ingredient list, can be helpful if a vet visit is needed. Additionally, consider factors like your dog's size, age, and general health to help guide your actions and help your vet in assessing potential adverse reactions.

Contact Your Veterinarian

It’s essential to reach out to your veterinarian promptly. When speaking with them, provide details about the type and amount of CBD product consumed, along with any adverse reactions you've observed in your pet. Your veterinarian will be able to offer the best guidance based on your dog’s individual health and the type of product involved.

Follow Veterinary Instructions

Your veterinarian may recommend specific actions based on the situation's severity, such as monitoring your pet for adverse reactions. If needed, gather product information, such as the ingredient list, to assist in their evaluation. A quick reference to the CBD provider's website can be useful if packaging is unavailable. By providing accurate information, your veterinarian can offer the most effective guidance for your dog’s safety.

Monitor for Unusual Reactions

If your dog ingests a larger amount of CBD, keep an eye out for adverse reactions like lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, or other signs of distress. While uncommon, certain signs may require additional care, so notify your veterinarian promptly if any unusual behavior occurs. Your veterinarian can provide advice based on your dog’s specific needs and might suggest an in-person visit if necessary.

Storage Safety 

Be sure to store CBD products in a secure place inaccessible to pets. While on walks or visits to public areas, be mindful of anything your dog might pick up. Storing CBD items in pet-proof containers is an added safety measure to prevent unintended consumption.


Frequently Asked Questions

These FAQs are for general guidance; always consult your veterinarian for personalized advice:

  • What should I do if my dog ate CBD oil unintentionally?

    • Stay calm, evaluate the amount consumed, and contact your veterinarian for guidance. Ensure that ingredient information is available for the veterinarian if needed.

  • Can a dog overdose on CBD?

    • While CBD is generally safe for pets, excessive consumption may cause adverse reactions such as lethargy, changes in appetite, vomiting, or other signs. Consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has ingested too much CBD.

Taking measures and responding calmly can go a long way in helping ensure your dog’s well-being if they accidentally consume an excessive amount of CBD unintentionally.

Unsure where to start?

Article published on August 17, 2023


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