CBD for Dogs Arthritis: Recommended Use, Benefits and Treatment

CBD treats for dog that have arthritis is a natural treatment option. CBD for dogs is sourced from hemp and safe for arthritic dogs of all ages and sizes. Arthritis is a painful, incurable, progressive, and inflammatory joint condition. Old age is the most common cause of canine arthritis. Arthritic dogs have reduced mobility and quality of life. 

CBD in arthritic dogs works through the endocannabinoid system to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. CBD arthritis treatment for dogs is used alone or in combination with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and joint health supplements. CBD for dog joints allows a lower NSAID amount, reducing NSAID side effects, such as stomach ulcers and kidney failure,  while achieving pain relief and improved mobility. CBD is not illegal, and the best practice for administering CBD to dogs with arthritis is a CBD oil dosage of 0.4 to 0.9 mg CBD per pound of body weight daily.

Honest Paws makes the best CBD oil for dogs with joint discomfort. The brand’s CBD for dogs joint pain line is called Mobility and includes three different products: CBD oil, CBD soft chews, and CBD bites. Owners using the Honest Paws CBD for mobility and arthritis give positive reviews, such as “This has greatly helped with my 16-year-old dog’s mobility. Vet approved!

What is Dog Arthritis?

Dog arthritis is a progressive inflammatory disease of the joints. A healthy joint comprises two bone surfaces separated by cushion-like cartilage with shock-absorbing features. 

Arthritis develops when the cartilage is damaged, allowing the two bone surfaces to rub against each other. The rubbing causes inflammation, which increases cartilage damage and pain. 

Prolonged wear and tear is the most common cause of osteoarthritis (OA). Repeated trauma, obesity, and congenital orthopedic problems are significant risk factors for arthritis. 

It is often quoted that 20% of the canine population aged over 1 year have some degree of OA,” according to an article “Arthritis in Dogs” published by Veterinary Prescriber in 2023. 

Can CBD Oil Treat Arthritis in Dogs?

No, CBD oil cannot treat arthritis in dogs. Canine arthritis is a progressive joint disease that is not curable. CBD Oil manages arthritis symptoms in dogs by minimizing inflammation, reducing pain, and providing mobility support. CBD (cannabidiol) is a natural hemp plant extract with health-boosting effects. 

How Does CBD Help Dog Arthritis?

CBD helps dog arthritis by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a regulatory mechanism that controls vital body functions, from sleep and pain to inflammation and appetite. 

The endocannabinoid system consists of three components, endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), and enzymes. The ECS works when the endocannabinoids bind with their receptors. Cannabinoids work by replacing the body’s endocannabinoids and binding with their receptors. CBD oil for mobility helps reduce inflammation and pain through the ECS although the disease is incurable. 

What does CBD do for Dogs with Arthritis?

CBD decreases inflammation and relieves pain in dogs with arthritis. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation and pain are the two cornerstones of arthritic joint changes, and CBD offers natural pain relief and minimizes the need for NSAIDs, which have side effects such as stomach and intestinal ulcers, stomach perforations, and kidney and liver disease. 

CBD significantly decreased pain and increased mobility in a usage-dependent fashion among animals with an affirmative diagnosis of OA,” reports a study “A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Daily Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis Pain” published in Pain in 2020. 

CBD for dogs' joint pain is used alone or in combination with traditional anti-pain medications, such as non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). 

Adding a specific CBD oil alongside NSAID treatment may reduce owner-assessed pain in dogs with osteoarthritis,” says the article “Does the Addition of Cannabidiol alongside Current Drug Treatments Reduce Pain in Dogs with Osteoarthritis?” by Vet Record in 2020. 

Can CBD help alleviate common symptoms of arthritis in Dogs?

Yes, CBD can help alleviate common symptoms of arthritis in dogs. CBD targets inflammation and pain as the main discomforts of dog arthritis. 

Combining CBD with joint supplements is recommended. The CBD controls the symptoms, and the supplements help restore joint tissue damage. 

Talk to the vet to develop a multimodal management strategy focused on joint protection, delaying arthritis progression, and controlling symptoms. 

Is CBD for Dogs Anti-inflammatory?

Yes, CBD for dogs is anti-inflammatory. Hemp CBD has a strong and natural anti-inflammatory effect and is suitable for dogs with inflammation-based conditions, such as osteoarthritis. 

Cannabidiol (CBD) suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines, promotes anti-inflammatory cytokines, and prevents or reduces inflammation. 

Pro-inflammatory cytokines are chemicals that trigger and fuel inflammation. Common Pro-inflammatory cytokines examples include tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and interferon-gamma. 

CBD reduces the pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, showing a “predominantly anti-inflammatory effect,” says a study, “The Effects of Cannabinoids on Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines: A Systematic Review of In Vivo Studies,” issued in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research in 2021. 

Does CBD Reduce Pain from Dog Arthritis?

Yes, CBD reduces pain from dog arthritis. CBD is effective in relieving neuropathic or nerve pain and chronic pain, which are the main arthritic pains. 

The addition of a hemp-derived CBD oil appears to positively affect dogs with chronic maladaptive pain by decreasing their pain, thereby improving their mobility,” suggests a study, “The Use of Cannabidiol-Rich Hemp Oil Extract to Treat Canine Osteoarthritis-Related Pain: A Pilot Study,” published in Scientific Report in 2020. 

The exact way CBD reduces pain is not clear, but scientists believe that it blocks certain pain-signaling pathways in the brain. 

CBD use is associated with “significant improvements to quality of life as quantitated by both owner and veterinarian,” says a study “A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Daily Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis Pain,” published in Pain in 2020. 

Is CBD Safe for Dogs?

Yes, CBD is safe for dogs. Hemp-sourced CBD made exclusively for pets is safe when used by the manufacturer’s instructions and the veterinarian’s approval. 

CBD “has good bioavailability and safety profile with few side effects at physiological quantities, reports a study, “Scientific Validation of Cannabidiol for Management of Dog and Cat Diseases,” published in Annual Reviews in 2023. 

Pet CBD is extracted from hemp and has a wide safety margin. Consult the vet before use and buy high-quality products. 

Can CBD Make Your Dogs High?

No, CBD cannot make your dog high. The “high” feeling is caused by another cannabinoid called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 

CBD products are extracted from different strains of cannabis, including hemp and marijuana. Hemp is rich in cannabidiol (CBD), which is healthy, non-psychogenic, and non-addictive, and very low in THC.  

Marijuana contains lower amounts of CBD, but it is rich in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is psychoactive and makes people “high.” THC is toxic to dogs because dogs metabolize THC differently than humans. 

Cannabis products for pets must be sourced from hemp, have less than 0.3% THC, and do not make dogs “high.”

Is CBD for Dogs Illegal?

No, CBD for dogs is not illegal. Hemp-sourced CBD is federally legal, but its exact status varies among states. The main reason for the state variation is that CBD is hard to categorize; it is not a supplement, a food, a medication, or a drug. 

Each state has a specific Controlled Substances Act that dictates the legal status of hemp CBD products. CBD is legal if the state’s laws align with the federal laws. 

US states where CBD-sourced help is legal include Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. 

How to Administer CBD for Dogs with Arthritis?

To administer CBD for dogs with arthritis, follow the 4 steps below.

  1. Squirt CBD oil under the tongue. Administer CBD oil beneath the tongue (sublingually) for the fastest results because the area is rich in blood vessels. 
  2. Mix CBD with the dog food. Combine the CBD oil with the dog’s food to cover its scent and flavor. Mixing CBD with food delays the effect, but it is easier to administer.
  3. Give the dog CBD edibles. Offer the dog CBD edibles made for pets as an alternative administration method. Edible CBD options include bites, soft chews, and infused peanut butter. 
  4. Cook homemade CBD treats. Mix CBD oil with oats and xylitol-free peanut butter to make treats at home. Inconsistent quantity is possible when cooking with CBD, making accurate administration challenging. 

Give the dog CBD once a day or divide the recommended CBD intake in a day into two smaller amounts for a more continuous effect. 

How Much CBD should I give to my Dog with Arthritis?

You should give your dog with arthritis 0.4 to 0.9 mg CBD per pound of body weight. The dog’s body weight and pain intensity are the main factors for quantity calculation in arthritic dogs.

Usage of 2 mg per kilogram (2.2 pounds) twice a day increased comfort and mobility in arthritic dogs, in a study “Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs” published in Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences in 2018. 

Start with a lower CBD oil amount and gradually increase the amount. Slow introduction allows the dog to adjust to the supplement and minimizes the risk of side effects. 

How to do CBD arthritis treatment for dogs?

To do CBD arthritis treatment for dogs, try hemp-sourced cannabidiol alone or combined with NSAIDs and joint supplements. 

Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and chondroprotectants are the golden standards for managing dog arthritis. Popular NSAIDs are carprofen, deracoxib, firocoxib, and meloxicam. Chonroprotectants are glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid. 

CBD is safe to combine with NSAIDs and joint supplements. Start with the recommended CBD use and consult the veterinarian about adjustments if the dog does not show improvement in a month. 

What are the Benefits of CBD for Dogs aside from Arthritis Relief?

The benefits of CBD for dogs, aside from arthritis relief, are listed below. 

  • Anxiety Control: CBD promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety for dogs in stressful situations such as loud noises, being left alone, meeting new people, car rides, or vet visits. 
  • Allergy Relief: Pet CBD modulates the immune system, reduces inflammation, and minimizes itching, supporting dogs with seasonal and environmental allergies. 
  • Seizure Management: Regular CBD use reduces the frequency, intensity, and duration of seizure episodes because of its antiepileptic and anticonvulsive properties. Seizure management is a benefit of CBD for dogs.
  • Cancer Support: CBD benefits dogs by acting against cancer cells, preventing their growth and spread while boosting the efficacy of traditional anti-cancer treatments, like radiation and chemotherapy.  

Is hemp oil good for dogs with arthritis pain?

Yes, hemp oil is good for dogs with arthritis pain. Hemp oil or hemp seed oil is not the same as CBD oil. 

Hemp seed oil is sourced from hemp seeds, while CBD oil is extracted from the entire hemp plant, including flowers, leaves, and stalks. 

The main difference between CBD and hemp seed oil is that hemp seed oil does not contain CBD or other cannabinoids. Hemp seed oil is rich in omega fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and helpful for arthritic pain. 

Omegas are described as “a natural method of decreasing inflammation and pain associated with arthritis” in the article “Overview of Omega 3 Fatty Acids for OA” by Canine Arthritis. 

Are Dog Arthritis Related to Nerve Tumors?

No, dog arthritis is not related to nerve tumors. Arthritis is a joint condition caused by long-term wear and tear. Canine arthritis is prevalent. Nerve tumors are a group of tumors arising from nerve sheaths. Dog nerve tumors are rare and are usually treated successfully. 

What are the Best CBD for Dog Arthritis?

The best CBD for dog arthritis are listed below. 

  • Honest Paws Mobility CBD Bites: The Mobility CBD Bites are tasty turmeric-flavored treats containing US-grown, organic, full-spectrum hemp CBD and chemical-free medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil as a carrier. The formula is designed to promote mobility and ease joint pain and stiffness. The bites are available in two sizes and strengths, including standard with 5 mg per piece (30 bites per package) and mini with 1.6 mg CBD (94 bites per pack). 
  • Honest Paws Mobility CBD Oil: The Mobility CBD Oil is made with US-grown, organic, full-spectrum hemp. The cannabinoid formula is enriched with MCT oil as a carrier and turmeric for a delicious taste boost. The oil is crafted to ease joint stiffness and promote mobility. Honest Paws Mobility is the best CBD oil for dogs with arthritis, and it comes in four strengths (125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, and 1000 mg). 
  • Honest Paws Mobility CBD Soft Chews: The Mobility Soft Chews are poultry-flavored edibles formulated to relieve joint stiffness and pain. The main ingredient is full-spectrum top CBD oil for dogs enriched with joint-friendly ingredients such as glucosamine and chondroitin. Each treat contains 5 mg of the best CBD oil for dogs and comes in a pack of 30 pieces with a resealable zip. The soft texture makes them perfect for older dogs who have trouble chewing. 

What are CBD for dogs reviews about dealing with Arthritis?

The CBD for dogs reviews about dealing with arthritis are positive. Owners report reduced pain and increased mobility in osteoarthritic dogs following CBD supplementation. 

Joint pain is the second most common reason pet owners use CBD for their dogs, reports an article “Assessment of Cannabidiol Use in Pets According to a National Survey in the USA,” published in the Journal of Small Animal Practice in 2023. 

Pet owner reviews about the Honest Paws Mobility CBD Oil, CBD Soft Chews, and CBD bites are included below. 

I have a small dog and I get this oil to him with his joints. His vet gave us puppy painkillers, but I don't like how he acts when I give them to him. I can tell the CBD gives him pain relief without him being groggy. I love it; it works so well!

Has made a huge difference in my 14-year-old silky. She’s much brighter and happier.

My 11-year-old Boston loves these. He could barely go up the stairs and was unable to jump up on the couch. His movement and activity level has definitely improved.

This has greatly helped with my 16-year-old dog’s mobility. Vet approved!

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Essential Reading

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